July 8, 2011

The Beginning of an Adventure

   In 2005, I wondered into my local bookstore hoping to find a book that would grab my attention and reel me in. Little did I know, the book I chose would reel me in for more than just the time I spent reading it. Maureen Johnson's novel, 13 Little Blue Envelopes, took my attention just by reading the back cover. As I read through the first chapter, I reread line after line to make sure I was understanding things correctly. From the messages that were discovered, much was to learn from this novel.
   The novel only took me about three days to read. I was that much into it. Learning about this teenage girl and how she had to go on various adventures to find her aunt was utterly inspiring. Ginny, the main character, traveled to England and from that point on, she had to follow a series of tasks and directions, hence the 13 envelopes. Her journey has various ups and downs, just like any other teenager. I learned various lessons from actions that occurred because even though the book is fictional, the things that happened to the girl could happen to anyone. Traveling to unknown places can dangerous, even with people you know.
   I can honestly say that I was very impressed with this entire novel. Maureen Johnson has such a realistic imagination and her novel could relate to the average person. With various novels released, I'm pretty sure readers will find one that suits them best. The only thing that I didn't like about 13 Little Blue Envelopes was that it left me hanging.
   Without giving anything away, I've been waiting six years for the sequal, and today, as I was walking down 7th Ave, I walked into Barnes & Noble. Not thinking that I would find something enjoyable, I approached an employee and asked if there were any new releases. Directed to the lower level, I was directed to the "Teen Favorites" section to an abundance of novels by various authors. One thing that I look for when looking for a book is the cover. Usually when I look at a book cover, the colors and symbols grab my attention. When I looked closer, I realized that the book I noticed was the sequel to one of my favorite novels! Needless to say, I am currently in the process of reading The Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson. Now, the question is, after reading this novel, where do I begin next? Don't worry, I'll keep everyone updated!

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