December 31, 2011

Tips for New Years!!

     It's been a while, I know. Between finals and getting ready to visit my parents, I haven't had much time for anything. However, Christmas is over and now I can focus a little more on what I need to. But, I do hope everyone enjoyed their holiday no matter what was celebrated. Tomorrow is New Years Eve and I know someone out there has some plans!! To keep things cool and collected, here are some tips for celebrating tomorrow night. :)

  • Buddy Up. It's always a good idea to have a couple of friends with you no matter where you go.
  • Ladies, if you are going to a party, DO NOT bring a large bag. A clutch or wristlet will do just fine (believe me, I've been though it. Loosing your bag is NOT fun).
  • Always have at least $100 cash on you. Many bars/clubs may not take debit or credit cards, plus it's always good to have money to take a cab home just in case.
  • Try not to split up. Stay together as much as you can, especially if the venue is crowded.
  • Dress weather appropriate. Whether it's just grabbing a jacket or sweater, have something to to cover you in case the weather is a little cooler than expected.
  • If you are driving and plan on having a few drinks, please be responsible and have a DESIGNATED DRIVER!! Again, always have cash on you in case you need to take a taxi home.
  • A personal rule that I have for friends, no matter how much you trust someone to be the DD, have a second person. Things happen.
  • Last, but not least, dress up and have fun!!

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