December 14, 2011


     Needles and knives are the two things that I'm not afraid of, but I could do without. For months, Briana Alessi, owner or Spa Alessi, has been after me about the unnecessary dead and excess skin that I have. Gross, I know. Well, I finally caved in and went under the knife with a procedure called Dermaplane. Something that I never thought I could do, I did it. And the best part? It DIDN'T hurt!! I honestly was terrified that it would scrape my skin and leave it looking retched.  However, that was not the case. My skin is "as smooth as a baby's bottom" according to Briana. 
    Of course, like with any procedure, there will be redness and unusual sightings.Briana stated that it should go down within 24 hours, but not to touch the skin. Knowing me, do you really think I listened? No, of course not. But I did follow her directions on washing my face and moisturizing for the next few days. A few things that got me to say "yes" to the procedure was that 1) removes any and all excess dead skin 2) facial hair (peach fuzz, etc) doesn't grow back thicker or different, 3) acne scars. I don't know about you, but those are three things that I know I cannot stand and that I needed to get taken care of. 
    The average time frame for the procedure is about 30-45 minutes depending on who's doing it, and this includes the cleansing of the skin, Dermaplane, and Briana added in a mild Microdermabrasion which is used to take out any bacteria (blackheads), and any skin that was not grabbed by the scalpel. Many clients typically get this treatment every 3-4 weeks, or once a month. It is also excellent for the winter months (who wants dry, flaky skin?) For many locations, including Spa Alessi, the Dermaplane going rate is appx. $75. If interested, contact Briana Alessi at 914-449-6720!

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