September 18, 2011

Oh My!

      Oh my dear loves! I'm so sorry about not posting ANYTHING this past month. It has been hectic. Between traveling back and forth from New York and Virginia, to planning my grandmother's 60th birthday, and starting school, my life has been a mess! I hope everyone is doing fine, and those of you who are in school are getting adjusted to anything new that is going on! I think to get everyone up to speed, here is a rundown of what has gone on in my life this past month!
     The last time I wrote anything I had just gotten my hair colored at Ulta in preparation for a few job/internship interviews. Now, I did not receive any offers for this Fall, however, I am still applying and looking around for new opportunities! Recently, I have interviewed with numerous retail companies close by be, so it is possible that I will be working within the next month or so depending on if positions are available. However, that should NOT shoot down your motive to beginning something new in your life. Jobs are scarce, especially with the way our economy is. Keep your head high and reach for the stars. There will always be an opportunity waiting for you!
      Aside from looking for an internship and a job, in August, I was in charge of making the final touches for my grandmother's 60th Birthday Celebration. The before and of were the most stressful! I have never planned an event that I had to come up with at least five (5), yes 5, backup plans! I knew my grandmother was tough, but I didn't think she was that tough. Having to exaggerate and tell a few white-lies never felt so tough to me. We are talking about a woman who does not like surprises, holds a grudge, and has a short temper when it comes to family. Between driving back and forth to the bakery and catering business to ensure things were going smoothly, but to find a few bumps, ignoring phone calls because "I was driving", AND lying about where I was at 11am to make sure things got started smoothly were tough, but not as tough as the last. The largest problem faced was not being able to find an extra key to the house! After my grandmother stated in a loud voice that she wasn't going anywhere, we finally convinced her, got to the location, and after she walked in, was the happiest woman I have ever met. I think the biggest surprise was her baby brother flying in from Puerto Rico that made everything worth while.
     Just next day, I was on my way back to New York to move back into the dorms. A seven (7) hour drive turned into a 12 hour drive, including a three hour break when I finally got back into New York. After relaxing for three hours, it was back to the car and off to school, another hour or so trip. The rented SUV was filled to the max and my aunt yelled at me for it, but I needed to be back at school for a while. I have yet to stay home for a weekend, or even overnight. College is great and I love being away from all of the family, so I would have to say that made things so much better. Oh, and a word of advice for event planning in the fall, especially when there is a holiday AND college move-in the same weekend, PLAN ACCORDINGLY!
    To end my last month, school started! Yes, I sound a little too excited, but that's because I am. To me, school helps me focus on life a little bit better and sort out the good from the mad. Some say that I'm crazy for liking school, but I feel like this, if you want to succeed, you have to do what is expected in that field. There is not an employer that will hire someone with just a high school diploma in this day and age. It has been expressed to me that even a Bachelor's is not enough. Take it from me, someone who is one of the first in their family to go away to college, there is a lot that is expected, but that is the only way things will work out in the long run. Keep your head up and never turn back. You'll only be doing the others a favor if you let your guard down.
      Have a great day! :) <3

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